
4 Keys to Thought Leadership

Unlocking a Well-Rounded PR Strategy

Have you ever wondered how the ‘experts’ quoted in news articles are sourced?

They likely relied on their publicists to strategically position them as an expert qualified to discuss the topic at hand. In PR and marketing, this strategy is called thought leadership and it is an integral part of any successful PR campaign.

Building credibility for your brand begins with building credibility for its leadership. Positioning your C-Suite executives as industry experts qualified to discuss the most relevant conversations within their field or industry establishes a trustworthy reputation. It also opens the door for other potential media opportunities, as building recognition within the media helps your brand appear more credible to journalists.

Thought leadership campaigns are especially essential for startups, or businesses with little media presence. Establishing your company’s thought leaders as industry voices signifies to the media, competitors, and potential customers that your brand is a trusted source within its vertical.

So, who is the best candidate to be a spokesperson, and how do we position them as an expert?

1) Be Sure to Select an Authentic Thought Leader

When choosing a spokesperson to represent your brand, ensure it is someone who best represents the company and its values. This person could be a CEO, Founder, or other C-Suite executive with extensive knowledge of your brand, your industry, and a passion for your company’s mission. When handling media interviews, selecting someone with a deep and genuine understanding of the industry will help build a reputation where journalists regularly rely on your brand’s spokespeople as a source.

2) Be in the Know of Your Industry’s Trends

Part of a publicist’s job is to help their clients stay up to date on the latest industry news and trends. Relying on your PR team to keep you informed can make a difference in media interviews and show the interviewer you are the source of the latest news in your specific industry. This will also entice journalists to continuously refer to you as a source of information and help establish a strong relationship between you, your brand, and the media. Adding value to a story starts with being as up-to-date as possible on current conversations within your industry.

3) Be Clear in Your Messaging

With the help of your PR team’s counseling, be sure to clearly define your company’s messaging and positioning within your industry. This starts with taking a firm stance on who you are as a brand. The greatest thought leaders in their fields are consistent in their messaging. For example, if your company lies within the health technology space, determine what you specifically want to contribute to the health technology conversation ahead of any media interviews. Enter current conversations that fall within those parameters.

4) Be Open to Media Opportunities

It’s the role of your PR team to determine which conversations are relevant and beneficial to your company’s goals. Trust the strategy, and engage in as many opportunities as possible. The more frequently a thought leader is featured as an industry voice in relevant industry conversations, the more likely they are to be called upon again for insights.

“PR, more like please respond to my email.”

Abby Cook is a PR Account Executive for Kafka Media Group, highly skilled in communication and fostering productivity. Favorite Food: Sushi.